CTE Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment


The federal 2018 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, informally known as Perkins V, requires annual local applications from local school systems and community colleges. There are two primary parts to the Maryland State Department of Education's Career and Technical Education (CTE) Local Application for Perkins V grant funds: (1) Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment and (2) Local Application. Local school systems and community colleges are required to submit a local application every year, and a needs assessment every other year.

Design of the Overall Local Application

The CTE comprehensive local needs assessment and local application are designed to be completed by a team of stakeholders, informed by data, and to assess the local and regional economic and labor market needs for CTE. Perkins V also emphasizes that student access and equity issues be addressed for all CTE programs of study.

Local Needs Assessment

The biennial comprehensive local needs assessment is designed to support local school systems and community colleges in identifying areas of promise and opportunities for growth within CTE programs of study. These areas are identified through student enrollment and program performance data analyses, labor market research, in-depth program evaluations, and CTE instructor training and qualification reviews. Local school systems and community colleges then identify and address underlying issues that might impact student and program performances. The ultimate goal is to engage in a continuous improvement cycle that will support student success in careers and postsecondary studies.

Once the needs assessment is completed, grant applicants use this data-driven information to develop funding proposals called Plans of Action that describe how Perkins V funds will be locally allocated. Click on either the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment or the Local Application to download a copy of the document.


For more information on the CTE Perkins Local Application, contact Pamela Clay, Career and Technical Education Associate, Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Career and College Pathways, via email at pamela.clay@maryland.gov.


Pamela Clay
Career and Technical Education Associate, Office of Career and College Pathways
Office: (410) 767-5447