Educator Licensure
Nonpublic School Approval
Teacher Preparation and Program Approval
Professional Standards & Teacher Education Board
Educator Dashboard
Approved Traditional Programs
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Applicants who present the following are eligible for a Montessori Professional License:
Bachelor's degree or higher
Holds a valid credential from one of the following:
American Montessori Society;
Association of Montessori Internationale; or
A program accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
Passing score (159) on an approved reading instruction assessment.
Please note that a Montessori Professional License may only be used to teach students in a public school that uses Montessori instruction as the primary mode of instruction, or a Montessori private school that the MSDE approves.
In Maryland, each specialist area has individual qualifications. Please click on the area below to view the requirements for initial licensure.
Gifted & Talented Specialist
School Counselor
Library Media Specialist
Pupil Personnel Worker
Reading Specialist
Reading Teacher
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
In Maryland, each administrator and supervisor area has individual qualifications. Please click on the area below to view the requirements for initial licensure.
Supervisors of Instruction, Assistant Principals, and Principals
Library Media Administrator
Supervisor of School Counseling/Guidance
Supervisor of School Psychological Services
Supervisor of Pupil Personnel
Supervisor of Special Education
Supervisor of Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Supervisor of Speech Pathologists and Audiologists
Professional Public Librarian
Public Library Director