Work-Based Learning Coordinator

To add Work-Based Learning Coordinator as an endorsement to an existing professional license, an educator must:

  1. Hold a professional license in a secondary teaching area or pre-kindergarten—12 teaching area;

  2. Complete 6 semester hours of content coursework taken at an accredited institution of higher education or through CPDs, with a minimum of 3 semester hours in each of the following content areas:

    1. Organizing, coordinating, and marketing of work-based learning programs; and

    2. Instructional management and curriculum development for work-based learning programs; and

  3. Complete a work experience requirement through any of the following:

    1. Documented evidence of employment equivalent to a minimum of 1,000 hours of satisfactory, wage-earning, nonteaching occupational experience;

    2. Documented evidence of employment equivalent to a minimum of 1,000 hours that shall include 500 hours of satisfactory, wage-earning, nonteaching occupational experience and 500 hours of self-employment;

    3. Participating in a supervised and approved teacher externship experience of at least 150 hours, to include all aspects of the industry in accordance with the local school system guidelines for work-based learning coordinator externships at a work site approved by the local school system; or

    4. Complete 3 semester hours of content coursework in contemporary workplace practices taken at an accredited institution of higher education through CPDs that includes site visits to business and industry settings and exposure to all aspects of the industry.

  4. All work experience shall have occurred within 10 years of the educator’s request to add the endorsement.

  5. The educator shall submit verification of occupational experience in the form of a notarized letter by former employers, listing specific job titles, duties performed, dates of employment, and hours worked.

  6. The educator shall verify self-employment by license or by submitting tax forms.