What is Apprenticeship Maryland?
Apprenticeship Maryland is a youth apprenticeship program for students, ages 16 and up, that is designed to lead to sustainable employment and further education based on career pathways in manufacturing and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) occupations or other occupations within the CTE Career Clusters.
Participating students start the program in the summer or fall of their junior or senior year in the program and will complete at least 450 hours of work-based training under the supervision of an eligible employer and at least one year of related instruction.
How did this program begin?
This program was initiated by Maryland House Bill 1207. This legislation established a Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee in the Division of Labor and Industry. Members of this advisory committee include representatives from the Department of Business & Economic Development (DBED), Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Maryland Department of Labor, industry, a community college, Maryland Chamber of Commerce, and other stakeholders.
Maryland House Bill 942 established a youth apprenticeship pilot program in which two Maryland public school districts, one rural and one urban, which began in the summer of 2016. The pilot sites are Frederick County and Washington County.
What is the goal?
The goal of Apprenticeship Maryland is to create compensated, high-quality youth apprenticeships that prepare students to enter employment in high-skilled, high-growth sectors in manufacturing and STEM occupations such as healthcare, biotechnology, information technology, construction and design, and banking and financing.
Apprentice Maryland program offers students paid opportunities to join the workforce while in school, pursue their interests, and in the adult apprentice program, even help with college tuition.
For more information about youth apprenticeship, click on the following icons:

Employers interested in working with Maryland's youth apprenticeship initiative can contact a local school system Apprenticeship Coordinator or Maryland Department of Labor Navigator to become involved.
Jennifer Griffin
Career Programs and Apprenticeship Specialist, Office of College and Career Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0635
Fax: (410) 333-2099