Reports and Data

This page contains program participation data as well as several required reports for administered child nutrition programs.

School Meals Reports

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Data

This annual report shows the number of free and reduced eligible students that have been reported by each agency operating School Meals, including each corresponding meal service sites/school. The report provides both the free and reduced eligible approved students and the percentage of free and/or reduced per the enrollment. This information is derived from the data provided in each local education agency’s (LEA) October claim reported for reimbursement

FFVP Report

This annual report shows the total number of participating schools, and lists each school by LEA.

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Report

This annual report shows District and School level eligibility data.

MMFA Report

This annual report shows the total number of participating schools, and lists each school by LEA.

National School Lunch Program Administrative Review Reports

Administrative Reviews are completed a minimum of once every five (5) years to assess compliance with the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program regulations. All review summaries are the most current.