Public Comments at State Board Meetings

Maryland State Board of Education In-Person and Virtual Public Comment Guidelines and Procedures

Members of the public are encouraged to submit comment(s)/feedback to the State Board of Education to share their views on issues pertaining to matters under its authority and the administration of the public school systems of the State. The process for signing up and providing public testimony is outlined below. If you have any questions about this process, please submit them to

All speakers shall conduct themselves in a respectful, civil manner. Although State Board members do not respond to the comments during this segment of the Board meeting, they do listen and may take follow-up action within the scope of the Board’s authority and jurisdiction.

To request accommodations due to a disability or language interpretation services, please contact no later than 24 hours in advance. 

Process for Public Comment

  1. Registration will open a week before the Board meeting date and close at 3 p.m. on the last business day preceding the monthly Board meeting. For special State Board meetings (planned outside of the regularly scheduled monthly meetings), registration will open as soon as possible once the meeting is announced and will close at 3:00 pm on the last business day preceding the meeting date.

  2. Sign-up for public comment is limited to 10 speakers and registration is first come, first served. You will receive a notice to confirm your registration. If you are providing comments virtually, you will be provided with the instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Once registration has reached capacity, individuals may be placed on a waiting list. Individuals on the waiting list will be notified up to one day before the meeting if a space becomes available.

  3. The State Board President (or meeting presider), will explain the meeting procedures and call on speakers in order of their registration.

  4. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Time will be monitored by staff through the use of a timer. When that time expires, the speaker is permitted to complete a sentence but should make no further remarks.

  5. Public comment submissions may not be related to personnel matters or issues pending in appeals to a local board or to the State Board.

  6. Members of the public can also submit their comments in writing to the State Board at for distribution to all members.

Register to Speak

(Revised February 4, 2025)