What is the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future?
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future was passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 to transform public education in the state into a world-class education system. The Blueprint will increase state funding for education over the next 10 years, enrich student experiences and accelerate student outcomes, as well as improve the quality of education for all children in Maryland, especially those who have been historically underserved.
Expert Review Teams
The Expert Review Team program is designed to support the implementation of the Blueprint at the school and district levels. By reviewing available data and information, and conducting a comprehensive school visit consisting of observations, interviews, and focus groups, the Expert Review Team will identify opportunities for improving the implementation of Blueprint initiatives with a focus on student outcomes and develop recommendations for support to improve student achievement.
Community Schools
Community schools are schools that develop and utilize partnerships that connect the school, students, families, and surrounding community to the resources needed in order to thrive. They highlight the assets in traditionally underserved communities and provide students and families with essential wraparound services and supports.
Blueprint Pillars
The early years are the most critical period for brain development and set the foundation for lifelong learning and achievement. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future emphasizes equitable early education opportunities that prepare all children for school and success through a mixed-delivery system comprised of public and private Pre-K partnerships that will expand family options.
Engagement Spotlight:
Educator Diversity Roundtable
The State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education hosted a roundtable on teacher diversity co-facilitated by Maryland Teacher of the Year, Brianna Ross and State Superintendent Mohammed Choudhury on April 21, 2022. The purpose was to hear from educators of color about their experiences in education and ideas for better supporting the recruitment and retention of a more diverse educator workforce.
Recent Blueprint Reports
College and Career Readiness: Roadmap to Implementation Report – Updated
August 2022
This report presents an update on the preparation for implementing Pillar 3: College and Career Readiness, which reimagines what today’s students must know and be able to do by the end of the 10th grade. The Blueprint establishes the standard that will signify a student is college and career ready. Once a student is designated as meeting or exceeding the CCR standard, they will pursue college and career pathways.
Final Report: Workgroup on Multilingual Learners in Public Schools
November 2022
The Workgroup on Multilingual Learners in Public Schools was established in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Act during the 2020 Maryland General Assembly session. The Workgroup was charged with collecting data on multilingual learners (MLs) in the state, reviewing national research and current practices, and making recommendations to improve the education of multilingual learners in the state. Maryland is home to over 98,000 multilingual learners in grades K-12.
Neighborhood Indicators of Poverty Report – Updated
January 2023
The Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education was created in part to review and update the current funding formula for the schools in Maryland. Under the More Resources for Students to be Successful pillar, a new Concentration of Poverty Grant was established to support schools with a high percentage of students living in poverty.