Emergency Assistance to Nonpublic Schools Program (EANS)

The federal government has made available two funding programs for Nonpublic Schools in Maryland through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act. Please see below for information on both programs.


Thank you to the nonpublic schools that applied to receive services and assistance for the ARP EANS II program. The application period is closed. The MSDE is now reviewing received applications for completeness and eligibility. For a list of all received applications, see the attachment under “ARP EANS II Resources”.

MSDE received its ARP EANS (or EANS II) award from the United States Department of Education. The ARP EANS II program provides emergency assistance or services to eligible Nonpublic Schools in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the program is to support COVID safety and to address educational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law, granting all state Governors Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER II) fund. Maryland’s EANS program allocation is $39,248,769.

June 16 – July 15, 2022

The application window is now closed.

Who is eligible to receive assistance?

Nonpublic Schools in Maryland who meet the following criteria:

  • Meet the state definition of elementary and secondary education;

  • Comply with the definition of an elementary school;

  • Are authorized to operate in Maryland;

  • Have been operating prior to March 13, 2020;

  • Enroll at least 20% of students from low-income families; and

  • Are most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do I apply?

Nonpublic Schools must apply through the online application.

What if I have questions?

  • Email: send an email to mdeansprogram.msde@maryland.gov

  • Phone: call 855-476-5011 and a customer service specialist will respond to calls:

  • Monday-Friday, 8am – 6pm EST and Saturdays 9am – 3pm

To register for a session, send an email to mdeansprogram.msde@maryland.gov. Below is a list of customer service support sessions:

ARP EANS II Resources


The MSDE would like to thank those who submitted an application for funding through the Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS) program. A review of eligibility was conducted of all nonpublic schools who submitted an application. Schools who did not meet the requirements listed on page 4 of the Grant Guide were sent a letter via email on February 22, 2022 stating that they were not eligible to receive an award, and the reason. Letters were sent to the email address provided in the online application.

Reimbursement Requests

The MSDE completed its line-by-line review of requests for the reimbursement of allowable expenses. Approved reimbursement requests must align to the categories of allowable use of funds and must have been incurred between March 13, 2020 to June 27, 2021. A decision letter was sent out to nonpublic schools on April 22 and April 29 communicating the outcome of that review, and the total approved amount of the reimbursement. The MSDE processed all reimbursement requests and sent them to the Comptroller of Maryland to issue payment.

New Procurement Requests

The MSDE is working with individual state-approved vendors so that we can prepare and provide decision letters for new procurement requests. Schools requested a variety of products and services, so we had to take some time to work with each vendor to align the items schools requested with the products they offered. MSDE continues on track to have any remaining new procurements on a June Board of Public Works agenda.

The MSDE is currently working with state‐approved vendors and the Board of Public Works to finalize contracts and procure items. To facilitate the delivery of the approved service or assistance, the MSDE will be sending those schools a series of 3 order forms for schools to designate an asset custodian and confirm or reduce the quantity requested.

  • Order Form 1 confirms schools' requests for COVID-related supplies for cleaning and sanitizing, personal protective equipment (PPE), physical barriers for social distancing, air purifiers, and other materials or supplies to implement public health protocols. This form was sent to schools on June 17, 2022. Schools have received PPE and cleaning and sanitizing supplies. Furniture items are expected to be delivered and assembled in September 2022.

  • Order Form 2 will confirm the school's requests for educational technology (including tablets, laptops, interactive whiteboards and peripheral devices). This form will be sent shortly, pending the approval of those contracts from the Board of Public Works. The Board of Public Works is scheduled to meet and review these contracts on September 14, 2022.

  • Order Form 3 will confirm schools' requests for educational services such as remote learning resources or redeveloping instructional plans for remote learning and online tutoring to address learning loss. This form will be sent shortly, pending the approval of those contracts from the Board of Public Works. The Board of Public Works is scheduled to meet and review these contracts on October 12, 2022.

Nonpublic schools were sent Order Form 1 on June 17, 2022. Many schools asked for specifications for the following items that may have appeared on their Order Form 1:

  • student desks

  • outdoor tents

  • portable wall partitions

  • cafeteria tables

  • outdoor picnic tables

  • the number of COVID tests per box (there are 25 kits per box)

The MSDE is gathering specifications so that nonpublic schools have this information as they confirm, reduce, or reject requests. The MSDE will provide specifications for the items listed above no later than July 1, 2022. In light of this, the revised deadline for the return of Order Form 1 no later than July 15, 2022.

January 21 - February 4, 2022

The window is now closed.


The Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS) program provides emergency assistance or services to eligible nonpublic schools in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the program is to support the safe opening and operating costs of nonpublic schools during the pandemic.

The EANS program is authorized in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021, signed into law on December 27, 2020, as part of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER II) fund. Maryland’s EANS program allocation is $35,878,533, including $200,000 for administration.

The EANS is a part of the Governor’s fund, and of which the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) must administer. The MSDE cannot pass funds to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to administer. Additionally, EANS is not a grant program. Instead, the law requires that the MSDE directly provide services or assistance to nonpublic schools. The MSDE owns and retains control of any materials and equipment purchased as part of the EANS program.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

What if I need help with the application?

The MSDE will hold two customer service support sessions to review the program, go through the application, and get your questions answered. Register for a session by sending an email to mdeansprogram.msde@maryland.gov. Virtual sessions will be held:

January 24, 2022 from 10-11am


Applications Received for the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) Program
This list represents all of the applications received within the deadline of February 4, 2022, midnight.)

Frequently Asked Questions (Updated February 3, 2022)

Maryland Nonpublic Schools

EANS I Initial Program Round Participation List