Portability of Professional Licenses of Service Members and Their Spouses

Veterans, current service members, spouses of veterans, and surviving spouses of veterans will receive expedited processing.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), codified at 50 U.S.C. §§ 3901—4043, provides service members and their families with a wide variety of financial and housing protections. On January 5, 2023, President Joseph Biden signed the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022 (H.R. 7939) into law. Section 19 of this law amends the SCRA by adding provisions for the portability of professional licenses of service members and their spouses.

This new SCRA provision, codified at 50 U.S.C. § 4025a, allows service members and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates in certain circumstances when they must relocate due to military orders. For a license to be considered valid in a new location, a service member or their spouse must satisfy the following five criteria:

  1. Have moved to a location outside the jurisdiction of the licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate because of orders for military service;

  2. Provide a copy of the military orders to the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction;

  3. Have actively used the license or certificate during the two years immediately preceding the move;

  4. Remain in good standing with:

    1. The licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate; and

    2. Every other licensing authority that issued a valid license or certificate for a similar scope of practice and in the discipline applied for in the new jurisdiction; and

  5. Submit to the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements.

If these five criteria are met, the service member or their spouse’s covered license or certificate will be considered valid at a similar scope of practice and in the discipline applied for in a new jurisdiction for the duration of military orders, in addition to the expedited credentialing for service members and their spouses.

If you meet the above criteria, please be prepared to submit the following with a Maryland educator licensure application via The Educator Application and Certification Hub (TEACH):

  1. Verification of Experience for Military Service Members and Spouses form to verify education experience earned in the two years preceding the application for certification

  2. Out of State License or Certificate

  3. Attestation of Certificate Status for Military Service Members and Spouses form

  4. Military Orders and Marriage License (if applicable)

For inquiries or concerns regarding the portability of educator licenses for service members and their spouses who have moved to Maryland due to military orders and seek reciprocity, please contact MSDE at certinfo.msde@maryland.gov.