Educator Licensure
Nonpublic School Approval
Teacher Preparation and Program Approval
Professional Standards & Teacher Education Board
Educator Dashboard
The MSDE Educator Preparation and Program Approval Branch approves and reviews Maryland educator preparation programs leading to licensure. There are two types of approved programs in Maryland:
Traditional - offered by a college or university leading to a degree or post-baccalaureate certificate that includes coursework and a clinical internship.
Alternative - established by a local education agency, institution of higher education, or nonprofit agency that leads to a participant receiving a resident teacher license and includes teaching assignments with supervision and mentoring by a qualified teacher.
Please click on the links below for a directory of approved programs:
Traditional Approved Programs (alphabetical order)
Traditional Approved Programs (by licensure area)
Alternative Approved Programs (alphabetical order)
MSDE is looking for educators across Maryland to serve as reviewers for educator preparation programs. Reviewers will evaluate the compliance, effectiveness, and quality of educator preparation at colleges, universities, and local education agencies.