Maryland Rebuilds Grant Opportunity
"Transforming Maryland's Early Childhood Education System for the Future"
Maryland Rebuilds Grant Opportunity is designed to support the state’s child care system in utilizing federal funds to stabilize, strengthen, and sustain the child care system and mitigate the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications from eligible applicants will help families find and meet the high cost of child care; assist child care providers to improve the quality of their programs; provide access for children and families to mental health supports and services; offer multiple supports for the early childhood workforce; and increase the resilience of family child care businesses.
To transform early childhood systems in Maryland, grants will be awarded under six high-leverage strategies:
- Expanding Access to Quality Child Care
- Early Learning Models of Excellence
- Expanding Mental Health Supports and Services
- Growing a Highly-Effective Child Care Workforce
- Boosting Family Child Care
- Advancing a Coordinated Prekindergarten Enrollment System
Application period
August 30 - November 10, 2022 no later than 11:59 p.m. EST