Nominees by City / County Maryland Teachers of the Year Bios
Dr. Stephanie Marchbank Allegany County Mountain Ridge High School English, Grades 11 - 12
Jennie Merrill Anne Arundel County Severna Park Elementary School Grade 5
Ryan Kaiser Baltimore City Mt. Washington School Social Studies, Grades 6 - 8 |
Orly MondellBaltimore County New Town High School Social Studies, Grade 9
Robert JamesCalvert County Huntingtown High School Social Studies, Grades 10-12
Cheryl CarmeanCaroline County North Caroline High School Physics, Grades 10 - 12
Rachel McCuskerCarroll County Piney Ridge Elementary School Music, Pre K – Grade 5
Jake Bauer ZebleyCecil County Elkton Middle School Social Studies, Grades 7 - 8
Sarah Desrosiers Charles County Theodore G. Davis Middle School Life Skills, Grades 6 – 8 |
Emily Maddox Dorchester County Sandy Hill Elementary School Special Ed, Grades 4 - 5 |
 Amanda Portner Frederick County Thurmont Middle School ELA/Literacy Spec, Grades 6 - 8
Rebecca Kenyon-Sisler Garrett County Northern Garrett High School Science, Grades 10 - 12
Laura Potter Harford County Thurmont Middle School Mathematics, Grades 9-12
Stephanie Geddie Howard County Laurel Woods Elementary School Kindergarten
Liza Goetz Kent County
Kent County High School
Agriculture & Science
Grades 10 - 12 |
Joseph Gannon, Jr. Montgomery County
Damascus High School
Social Studies, Grades 9 - 12
Renee Roth Prince George's County
Tulip Grove Elementary School Grade 3
Barbara Sutherland Queen Anne's County
Kent Island High School
Science/ CTE, Grades 10 - 12 |
Sabra Szczyglowski St. Mary's County
Evergreen Elementary School Physical Education,
Pre K – Grade 5
Melodi Power Somerset County
Greenwood Elementary School
Media, Pre K - Grade 5
Kevin Baum Talbot County
St. Michaels Elementary School Physical Education Grades K-5
Sally Irwin Washington County
Washington County Technical High School
PLTW Biomedical Science, Grades 11 -12
Kimberly McGlinchey Wicomico County
Wicomico High School
Special Education |
Cassidy Hamborsky Worcester County
Snow Hill Middle School English Language Arts, Grade 7 |