Maryland 2021 Teachers of the Year

Nominees by City / County

Stacey Bradley

Allegany County
South Penn Elementary School
Grades 1-5

Emily Davis

Anne Arundel County
Brooklyn Park Middle School
English Language Arts
Grades 6-7

Wyatt Oroke

Baltimore City
City Springs Elementary
 Middle School
English Language Arts
Grades 7-8

Robert Runk

Baltimore County
Parkville Middle School
Special Education
Grades 6-8

Caitlin Fregelette

Calvert County
Calvert High School
Physical Education and Health Grades 9-12

Shaughnessy Harris

Caroline County
Preston Elementary School

Jena Ehmann

Carroll County
Winfield Elementary School
Reading Specialist
Grades Pre K-5

Chelsea Jones 

Cecil County 
Elkton Middle School
 Grade 7

James E. Ball

Charles County
North Point High School 
Grades 9-12

Dorchester County

Cherie Robinson
Dorchester Career
& Technology Center
Teacher Academy of Maryland
Grades 11-12

Jill McWilliams

Frederick County
Walkersville Elementary School
Pre – Kindergarten

Kista K. Powell

Garrett County
Northern Garrett High School
PLTW Biomedical
Science/Allied Health
Grades 10-12

Elizabeth White

Harford County
Harford Technical High School
History/Social Science
Grades 10-12

Jerome Pickens

 Howard County
Bryant Woods
Elementary School
Grade 5  

Angela Lins

Kent County
Galena Elementary School
Grade 2

Inge M. Chichester

Montgomery County
Sligo Middle School
Social Science
Grade 7

Mary Piccirilli

 Prince George's County
Cooper Lane
 Elementary School
Grade 3  

Amber K. Wright

Queen Anne's County
Kent Island High School
Grades 9-12

Deaneth Brown-Taylor

St. Mary's County
Spring Ridge Middle School
English Language Arts
Grade 8

Lauren Beauchamp

Somerset County
Carter G. Woodson
Elementary School

David Cherry

Talbot County
Easton High School
Grades 9-12

Christine Hurley             

Washington County
Boonsboro Middle School
Library Media
Grades 6-8

Hemalatha Bhaskaran

Wicomico County
James M. Bennett High School
Grades 9-12

Christina McQuaid

Worcester County
Pocomoke Middle School
English Language Arts
Grade 5


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