245 S. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21231
County: Baltimore City
Grades: PK - 5
Phone: 410-396-9140
Principal: Mark Gaither
School #0023
MSDE Report Card
What makes us unique?
The more than a decade of success that Wolfe Street has enjoyed is founded upon three pillars. Great People, Great Programs and Great Strategies. At Wolfe we invest in and believe in our people. Whether student, family member or staff member we work tirelessly to develop skills and empower the individual to be a productive member of the whole community. Next, we make sure that we are able to provide the best programs and curriculum for those Great People to use. Our instructional curriculum is centered around a technology based Direct Instruction program, Reading Mastery Transformations, which take children from learning their letter sounds to reading novels. Every subject is fine tuned to the needs of the children so that they can learn most efficiently and advance in their development. And finally, we embrace the Community School strategy. At its core the strategy is a recognition of the impact that the interconnectedness of a community has on the health and success of that community. Community Schools assesses the hyperlocal needs of a community, the school, and works to develop partnerships and structures that address those needs. It is a flexible, everchanging strategy that develops interpersonal relationships, responds to acute crisis, and lifts up every member of the community.
Mission and Vision:
Wolfe Street Academy seeks to educate all children to the highest levels, providing an experience that develops a love of learning, a respect for self and others, and the willingness to take on the responsibility for helping create a positive future for themselves and their community.
- After School Programs
- Community School: One of the longest running Community Schools in Maryland, Nationally and Locally recognized for excellence.
- Direct Instruction
- Extra Curricular: Full academic and enrichment program with opportunities for music, sports, arts, etc.
- Individualized Learning
- Restorative Practices
- Summer Programs
Wolfe Street Academy, in its 14th year as a Community School, is embedded in its community. Through partnerships with local neighborhood associations, the parent leadership within the school, the teacher and para-educator unions, local businesses, and local, state, and national government, the Wolfe Street Academy community find itself as both a benefactor and provider of essential support in the overall mission of creating strong children, families, and communities. Every member of the community, in their own way, works to understand and develop their role in creating a cohesive whole, but our Community School Site Coordinator, principal, and Director of Out of School Time lead the way in reaching out and welcoming the larger community.
As one of the six Baltimore Curriculum Project conversion charters schools in Baltimore, Wolfe Street Academy is able to tap a network of cutting-edge academic and social-emotional resources. Whether it is Baltimore Curriculum Project’s Leading Minds Speaker Series bringing together national figures to discuss topics that affect our families and colleagues, or the seven school Fall soccer league in Patterson Park, Wolfe Street is constantly looking to identify and enrich wider community resources.
Lottery Preferences:
- Siblings of current students
- Neighborhood: As a conversion charter school we provide a seat to any student who lives in our enrollment zone at any time. The zone extends from the south side of E. Pratt St. to the north side of Eastern Ave. and from Patterson Park to the east side of Broadway.
- Teachers and staff
- Other: As with all Prekindergarten programs in the city, a Tiered Priority System is used that provides priority to low income and homeless students.
Principal's Message:
I am most proud of my school community when we succeed by persistence, patience and caring.