In this category, you will find projects aimed at assisting senior citizens. Many of these projects involve visiting nursing homes in conjunction with learning about history or caring for the elderly. Some schools have adapted projects so that they are working with a local senior citizen center to get the senior citizens to their school for events such as a senior citizen prom. If you are looking for project specifically involving veterans, see Public Safety.
Primary Subjects: Computer Technology, Business Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: School Library Media, Maryland Technology Literacy Standards
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: This unit involves high school students teaching senior citizens how to use computer technology. Teaching senior citizens computer technology requires a different approach and high school students will be developing unique lesson plans to instruct their elders. Basic computer skills that match the interest of the senior citizens will be taught.
Primary Subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies, Choral Music
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Language Arts, Social Studies, Choral Music
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The Waverley Elementary School Chorus developed a relationship with the Daybreak Adult Daycare Center participants and has presented seasonal concerts to them for the past several years. The concerts and related visits are a direct response to the intergenerational emphasis of the Frederick County Public Schools' service-learning program. In addition, Waverley Elementary fourth graders visited the Daybreak Center to present current event updates and engage in interactive conversation with participants, commonly referred to as the students' "grandfriends."
Primary Subjects: Health, Fine Arts/ Visual Performance
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Health, Fine Arts/ Visual Performance
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: GATE students visited the nursing home once a month bringing gifts that they made for the residents.Students provided vital companionship and good cheer by singing, playing cards and board games, reading, or talking with the residents at the nursing home.
Primary Subjects: Character Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Benjamin Stoddert Middle School students have filled a void in their community, by linking the senior citizen population and "future" leaders. Through visiting the local assisted living facility four times a year, students formed close relationships with the "memory lane" residents (Alzheimer patients) and plan to strive to continue their service to the community in years to come.
Primary Subjects: Reading and Language Arts
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Reading and Language Arts
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Language Arts Non-Fiction/Biography Unit: Senior citizens are often untapped resources of knowledge and history in our communities. They are also often isolated from the general community due to senior citizen housing and communities.This unit is designed to provide companionship for the senior citizens while helping the students learn more about point of view and perspective. Students will compare a senior’s perspective with the perspective of a historical figure they have read about in a biography. The students will read a biography and interview a senior. They will use their notes to write a biographical article and create artwork about the senior and the senior’s place in history. Seniors will then be mailed their biographies and invited to an art gallery where select biographies will be read.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Students visited residents at a local nursing home and decorated the residents’ doors. Students played games on various occasions with residents when they visited. The students then planned a week of festivities celebrating the time they had spent with the residents of the home. All of the students kept a journal of their experiences.
Pikesville High and Reisterstown Senior Center
by Sue Heiderman in
Baltimore County. Created for high school. Fellows Project.
Primary Subjects: Music
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Music
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The partnership between the Pikesville High School Concert Choir and the Reisterstown Senior Center began in 1989. It was formed in response to a need to provide an organized choral experience for senior citizens in an effort to provide meaningful and engaging activities for seniors. The Center hired a music teacher who met with citizens once each week to rehearse music selected by Dr. Disharoon as appropriate for the high school students and the senior citizens. The Intergenerational Chorus performs concerts at the school and the center. The chorus has also performed community concerts and for a Baltimore County Showcase of activities.
Primary Subjects: Reading and Language Arts
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Reading and Language Arts
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The nursing center in the next town needed help connecting residents to youth in an effort to brighten the resident's days. In response to this need, our 3rd grade team selected our best 30 workers to prepare and present a play at the nursing center. The play, the "Princess and the Penguin," culminated the students' integrated study of weather and animals. This project also required students to use their writing, researching, and public speaking skills.
Primary Subjects: Culinary Arts
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Culinary Arts
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Students in the Culinary Arts program complete a variety of service projects through our curriculum. The students discovered that there are many elderly and housebound citizens with special needs. In collaboration with a local church, the students chose to prepare a nutritious hot lunch once a month for a group of senior citizens. The group members have grown to love the food, the nourishment, fellowship, and the youth that prepare it.
Primary Subjects: Math, Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Math, Science
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The Midtown Academy kindergarten class revitalized a dilapidated community garden with the help of low-income elderly citizens. Midtown Academy is situated in Baltimore City and in walking distance of an elderly retirement apartment.
Primary Subjects: English, Contemporary Issues, Art
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English, Contemporary Issues, Art
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Our project focused on bringing students and the elderly community closer together. Students contacted a local senior/nursing center. We took a field trip to the center to meet the residents and spend time getting to understand their needs. Students began developing a senior day to be held at our school. Many organizations within the school actively became involved with our project. The day began with a tour of the school, followed by a talent show put on by classes and students, a senior luncheon with a Mexican theme, a jazz band presentation and door prizes for all.
Primary Subjects: Reading, Language Arts, Social Science, Math, Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Reading and Language Arts, Social Science, Math, Science
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: "Serving Seniors" is a service-learning unit infused within the curriculum. A list of objectives concerning the elderly were matched with existing curriculum objectives so no material was added or deleted in any subject area. The result was 36 lessons to be taught throughout the school year. A time line was developed to ensure coverage of the lessons by months. Three or more lessons per month, such as those concerning the characteristics of the elderly and becoming responsible citizens are taught within a particular class connected with the objective. All lessons or parts can be adapted to meet your time frame. All necessary stories, pages to be made into overheads or duplicated, and a list of craft supplies and party ideas are included in the unit. The unit not only provides positive self-esteem, but makes the curriculum come alive.
Primary Subjects: Character education, Horticulture
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The Service-Learning Advisory Board, a student-run and student-led board, hosted the second annual Senior-Senior Prom at Daybreak Adult Daycare Center. "Stars and Stripes" Senior-Senior Prom is a dance for senior citizens and high school students. There is dancing, refreshments, and socializing. The Prom involved both generations, and therefore helped to break down barriers between the two populations by teaching the younger generations to respect their elders and vice versa.
Lauren McKinley, M.Ed.
Service-Learning Specialist, Youth Development Branch
Office: (410) 767-0357
Reginald Burke, M.S.
Director, Youth Development Branch
Office: (410) 767-0313