The goal of these projects is to increase public awareness, support, and engagement for our democratic society. Many of these projects will be aimed at increasing the number of voters and mobilizing groups of citizens to change their community for the better. Other projects in this category prepare students to become leaders for a variety of service-learning activities.
Primary Subjects: Government, U.S. History
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government, U.S. History
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Our service-learning project informed Harford County voters, especially younger voters, about the 2002 election's local candidates. To accomplish this goal, the students created a website to hold two candidates' forums, one for local candidates and one for federal and state candidates.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: In order to increase students’ awareness of others and to develop their leadership skills, a number of community service-learning projects were conducted during the 2005-2006 school year. The MES Principal’s Student Forum launched a Hurricane Katrina stuffed animals collection and a penny drive for the pre-school children in Louisiana and carried out projects for local veterans.
Primary Subjects: Technology Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Technology Education
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: "Caring Through Communication Technology" is infused into an introductory ninth grade Technology Education class. As a part of the communication unit, students examine community needs, choose an issue, and work in small groups to research their topics. The students then plan, develop, perform, tape and edit a public service announcement addressing their issue. Video and computer technology is required. At the end, the students present their announcement to an audience they have selected, providing further information on the issue and an opportunity for discussion.
Primary Subjects: Organizational skills
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: "Connections" is a student developed and run volunteer center based out of Stephen Decatur High School. The center serves as a liaison between students and community organizations to regulate, organize, and increase the "supply and demand" of student volunteers. The center will undergo multi-phases of development, but is currently offering services to students as it continues to expand to fulfill its complete mission. So far, the project has created more open communication between the school and the community.
Primary Subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Varies
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: At Somerset Elementary, we have developed a K-5 sequence integrating service-learning as a teaching strategy with other aspects of the Montgomery County curriculum, where each grade has a focused curriculum area that integrates our MCPS academic indicators, curriculum standards, character education connections and service opportunities. Each grade level project is further connected to the county guidance five domains: personal development, academic development, interpersonal development, healthy development and career development. The school counselor addresses these domains through school-wide assemblies, classroom lessons, and small-group meetings.
Primary Subjects: Government, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government, English
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: This service activity engaged students in a "Get Out The Vote" effort two weeks before and the day of the Primary Election. Each student conducted a survey of twenty-five people in their neighborhood and/or community to identify what would help them be assured that they would vote on Primary Election Day. A simulation was used to prepare the students to knock on the doors of citizens and remind them to go to the polls and vote in a very friendly but informative manner. This activity included having students inform citizens of car pools that would deliver citizens to and from their polling place. This was considered the "Flush" team and/or "Getting Out The Vote."
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, English
Level of Service: Advocacy
Project Description: Students will identify, research, and advocate a public issue that affects their community.
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: In every community there are non-profit organizations that can use help preparing mailings. Mailing preparation may include stuffing envelopes with letters, inserts, and/or coupons which must be distributed to the public. Many of these mailings are fundraisers to assist the organization which is meeting a need in the community. In addition, mailings may include attaching labels to envelopes, sealing the envelopes, and sorting by zip code.
Primary Subjects: Government
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect
Project Description: This service-learning project, which continually produces outstanding reactions from students, is the soup kitchen portion of the social issues project in my senior government classes. Students select an issue, research the topic, then carry out a service project on the topic.
Primary Subjects: Character Education, After School Program
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Varies
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: This is not the usual classroom project that is built by connecting service with classroom experiences and curriculum. I was confronted with the need for educating students about student service-learning (SSL), which was at an all time minimum required level at our school. I choose to start a Service Club after my first year in the SSL advisor’s position. Its inception began two years ago by connecting with the REACH Cold Weather Shelter and offering our students an opportunity to serve meals to people who are homeless. After engaging a group of 25 students in this project the stage was set for starting a Service Club. Their goal for the year was to advocate for SSL through a variety of projects and invite the entire student population to become involved in these projects.
Primary Subjects: Character Education, Summer Camp
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education, Varies
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: The Service-Learning Leadership Camp was a partnership between the Westminster City Recreation Office and the Carroll County Public Schools during the summer. Estelle Sanzenbacher and Craig Giles organized the activity. Students participated in the service-learning camp activity for five days. In the morning, students learned about the community and needs in the community. They then actually visited a non-profit and carried out a service project, reflecting on the activity at its conclusion. In the afternoon, students served as counselors-in-training for younger children attending camp. A celebration was held and participating students were given special certificates at the end of the camp experience.
Primary Subjects: Varies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Varies
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: A group of high school students have established The Student Conferences, which provides a stage for students in Howard County to interact with the community. We have developed a series of innovative discussions for fellow teens featuring guest speakers who have contributed to society in admirable ways. Because these conferences feature a variety of topics and active workshops selected and designed by students themselves, they allow other students to expand their horizons in topics that truly interest teens and in ways that teens themselves deem effective.
Primary Subjects: Character Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: In June of 2000, Carroll County Maryland Public Schools and the Westminster, Maryland Department of Recreation teamed together to sponsor a two week service camp involving middle and high school youth. The students participated in leadership training and service at various sites in the morning and early afternoon and then served as CIT's (counselors in training) with younger students in the day camp program in the afternoon. Preparation, action and reflection were emphasized with service at five local CBO's involving direct and indirect food programs, elderly populations, and local and internationally poverty relief.
Primary Subjects: Character Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The Learning by Serving Program is the Baltimore Freedom Academy’s flagship program. Our school’s programmatic thrusts are law, leadership, and service and staff members work tirelessly to provide opportunities for our students to be successful. Through the service program, students serve in the community at local schools, hospitals, museums, and non-profit organizations. This program is a part of our school’s advisory program where students are given the opportunity to reflect upon what they have done and put what they learn into action.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, English, Math, Art
Level of Service: Advocacy
Project Description: Students will research voter apathy and related issues in Dorchester County. Students will design and develop posters to be placed in the community to encourage the adult population to participate by voting in the next election.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, Science, Math, English, Art
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, Science, Math, English, Art
Level of Service: Advocacy
Project Description: The service-learning project was part of the seventh grade's integrated unit on the 2000 presidential election. Students studied voter apathy and related issues in social studies and science classes. Math classes covered measurements for borders, lettering, and artwork. Language arts teachers reviewed the purpose of student service-learning and also provided the time for the creation of the posters.
Lauren McKinley, M.Ed.
Service-Learning Specialist, Youth Development Branch
Office: (410) 767-0357
Reginald Burke, M.S.
Director, Youth Development Branch
Office: (410) 767-0313