November 2005
Cindy Lloyd, Somerset 6th/7th Intermediate School, Somerset County
Students participated in the Harvest for the Hungry, “Kids Helping Kids” campaign. They learned about world and local hunger problems, conducted a food drive, and toured the Maryland Food Bank.
Best Practice 1: Meet a recognized need in the community.
We read a newspaper article about the problem of hunger in Maryland and decided to do a project to help address this issue. Also, our county is one of the poorest in the state and many of our residents rely on the help of churches and community organizations so they have enough food for the month. Our project directly helped area residents.
Best Practice 2: Achieve curricular objectives through service-learning.
Our project was connected to language arts, social studies, math and science standards. In language arts, students read both informative and fiction pieces relating to the theme of hunger. Students also wrote articles for the newspaper to inform the community of their project. In social studies, students learned about population and food distribution. In science, students learned about malnutrition and hunger as it affects the body. Students in math keep track of cans per student averages for each homeroom.
Best Practice 3: Reflect throughout the service-learning experience.
Students completed pre-tests to assess their knowledge about hunger then wrote journal entries and articles about their project for local newspapers.
Best Practice 4: Develop student responsibility.
Students were responsible for collecting non-perishable food items and keeping track of the number of items per student in each homeroom. Students worked to pack up food at the Food Bank.
Best Practice 5: Establish community partnerships.
We worked with Maryland Food Bank in Salisbury.
Best Practice 6: Plan ahead for service-learning.
I was in contact with coordinators of “Harvest for the Hungry” and Yvonne Terry of Maryland Food Bank to arrange visits and pick-ups. I also found lessons on-line that tied in with our project and standards.
Best Practice 7: Equip students with knowledge and skills needed for service.
Students developed an understanding of the causes and effects of hunger. They also now know how our local food bank operates.