The projects in this category are aimed at promoting public safety through law enforcement, preparing for and recovering from disasters, supporting the military and veterans, supporting victims of abuse, and promoting peace in the local and global community. These projects can include anything from beautifying community spaces to interviewing veterans so their military experiences are not lost.
- Disaster Relief and Preparation
- Promoting Peace
- Public Space Beautification and Preservation
- Supporting Military and Veterans
- Supporting Victims of Abuse
Disaster Relief and Preparation
Primary Subjects: Fashion Design
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Fashion Design
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: This quilt project began as a partnership between Shepherd's Staff, a local non-profit agency and our school, and grew to encompass a greater audience in the wake of the tragedies of September 11th. Originally, students were designing chronicle quilts using the theme "Angels Among Us" to be auctioned at a fundraiser for Shepherd's Staff. After the September 11th tragedy students expanded and modified their projects to reach out with a visual form of aid to the city of New York.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: The 7th and 8th grade students on the Quest Team at Eastern Middle School took an elective class on service-learning through which they raised materials and money (indirect service) to benefit people who had been affected by Hurricane Mitch. We specifically worked with a sister-city organization, Project Gettysburg Leon, which had a 15+-year history linking citizens of the US with people in Nicaragua.
Primary Subjects: Technology Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Technology Ed.
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students helped Japan rebuild after a devastating tsunami by raising funds to donate to the relief effort.
Primary Subjects: Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Science
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: While students are studying the causes of natural disasters including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, & tornadoes, they will explore the needs of their school/community to be prepared for such disasters, as well as how they can help others who have experienced one of these disasters.
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English, Character Education
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students organized a faculty basketball game as a fundraiser to support the World Food Programme’s efforts to help Haiti.
Primary Subjects: Geography, English, Technology, Math, Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Geography, English, Technology, Math, Science
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students at Cedarmere Elementary participated in a service-learning project to aid the children who were victims of the tsunami/earthquake. To raise money for the victims, students bought and sold “Love Links” for ten cents each. “Love Links” were 9 X 1 strips of brightly colored construction paper that students decorated. The strips were then connected to form long paper chains that were displayed around the school.
Promoting Peace
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Our language arts classes researched the Youth Empowerment Mission headed by Isis Sapp-Grant on the Internet. This is a non-profit organization, and funds are needed year-round to support the program. Specifically, New York City adolescent girls in the Stuyvescent neighborhood benefited from the computers purchased by TMS students. This neighborhood is one of the most dangerous areas of New York City, as well as in the nation. Our TMS students also benefited from this project for they were shown that even at 12 years old, they can make a difference in the world and bring about change.
Public Space Beautification and Preservation
Primary Subjects: Advanced Manufacturing and Construction Class
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Advanced Manufacturing and Construction Class
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students in the Advanced Manufacturing and Construction Class manufactured Adirondack Chairs for Bear Branch Nature Center and Hashawha Environment Center. This project provided the opportunity for students to practice the techniques of mass production. Students learned to solve problems, establish the flow of materials, and utilize a variety of tools to complete this project. The "chair" project was modeled after the Green Chair Project with the goal of creating public places for people to communicate with one another thus creating a sense of community.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Eighth graders study the American Civil War in Montgomery County. In addition, 8th graders earn 10 service-learning points through social studies. Two years ago we began a program with Antietam National Battlefield Park in which students raised money through a "Penny Wars" Competition to be used to preserve cannons at the park. Students also visit Antietam, and reflect on the significance of their preservation efforts, as well as the role played by Antietam in the Civil War.
Primary Subjects: Building Maintenance
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Building Maintenance
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Fairmount-Harford High School Building Maintenance students, under the supervision of their instructor, Mr. Ronnie Cole, built a 10' 1" octagon gazebo, that is now the centerpiece of a Memorial Garden in Collington Square, dedicated to Erica Durant, the deceased daughter of long-time community residents. This project is an excellent example of how Fairmount-Harford High School and the Collington Square community are connected through service-learning.
Primary Subjects: Math, Science, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Math, Science, English
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Approximately 100 Rising Sun Middle School 6th & 7th graders went to the Rising Sun Community Center to help make a new community trail. After the roads crew dug a trench for the new walking trail around the center, students helped finish the trail by first spreading newspapers on the path. The roads crew had placed piles of stone in various areas along the trail which the students spread out on top of the newspapers. When the students had used up all of the pre-placed stone piles, they had to hand cart in more stone using wheel barrows for the remaining, uncovered portions of the trail. It was hard but rewarding work.
Primary Subjects: U.S. History
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: U.S. History, English, Math, Science
Level of Service:
Project Description: Students worked to enhance the appearance and increase visitation to buildings on the Historic Registry in Pocomoke City, Maryland.
Primary Subjects: Art
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Art
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: At a time when we were all over come with emotion as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks on our country, the eighth grade students at Milton M. Somers Middle School, under the direction of Mr. Richard Ivanac and Ms. Shawn Watters, decided to create two memorials for Flight 93. This project became the avenue through which students were able to deal with their feelings in a positive way and served as a means of honoring those who lost their lives that fateful day.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, Geography, Economics
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The project consisted of several classroom lessons in October on the development of Chesapeake City and the C&D Canal. Local historians visited with our students in November, and then in April our students participated in a walking tour of the town and completed various beautification projects around the area, including at Helen Titter Park.
Primary Subjects: Government
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: My students and community have recognized the need for citizen involvement in order to help revitalize and rejuvenate our local neighborhoods and community. Let’s Beautify Cumberland and Earth Day are a collaborative effort between our local County United Way, Rocky Gap State Park, local businesses, schools, and the Environmental Protection Agency to improve the health of our environment and community.
Primary Subjects: Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Science
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Cherry Hill Middle School owns 13 acres of wooded property. The Builder's Club has continued to maintain and extend the Nature Trail on this property for the past four years. This year two new bridges and a switch back were added to the trail. An outdoor learning classroom was also rebuilt.
Primary Subjects: Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Science, Math
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The community park, Shafer Park, was improved. An outdoor multipurpose theater area was designed and built, various gardens were planned and planted, flower boxes were planted, trees were planted, park benches were painted, and bluebird boxes were built and placed. Grade 4 students (100), high school students (40), and teachers (7) were involved. College students also played a role.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, Science
Level of Service: Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: The Sotterley Plantation is a national historic landsite. Our eigth grade class, as part of the curriculum, completed a "Slavery to Freedom" course in partnership with the plantation. Students learned the importance of maintaining this local and national treasure for future generations to learn from and enjoy. As part of the project, students raised $2,290.00, toward the renovation of one the rooms at the plantation. Our school name will be posted as a contributor for that room. Letters were also sent to local, state, and federal officials to get support for preserving this site. This project used an Understanding by Design Unit plan, created by Adam Cropper (available upon request).
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: Because our town is a tourist spot, we thought we needed a large sign to welcome visitors to our town and identify our community. Students spoke during a county council meeting to get permission to erect the sign. They created invitations for the ribbon cutting ceremony and prepared refreshments. They want people in our area to take pride in our community.
Supporting the Military and Veterans
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Allegany County Veterans of World War II: Through Their Service is an oral history book and film project produced by the Allegany High School Social Studies Seminar Class. Using only primary sources pulled from interviews with veterans, footage from the National Archives, and student research, an exemplary account of local veterans' experiences during World War II was produced.
Primary Subjects: English, Math
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English, Math
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Over 100 5th grade students participated in a project that provided friendship and social interaction for the veterans living at the Charlotte Hall Veteran's Home. The students visited the veterans and invited them to events at our school, made cards, listened and learned the wealth of knowledge the veterans were able to share.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: Throughout the school year 2000-2001 approximately ninety 8th grade students attending Magnolia Middle School participated in a project to honor veterans. Students planned and implemented a variety of activities to achieve their goals. Among the activities completed were: a field trip to Washington D.C. to place wreaths at Vietnam and Korean Memorials; creating cards which were mailed to more than 300 veterans thanking them for their service; sending flowers to the community V.F.W., the American Legion, Perry Point Hospital, and Veterans Homeless Shelter for Memorial Day; placing posters in local business to recognize veterans; and other school activities which were designed to honor veterans.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Direct, Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: Students will research the impact of American military involvement on both the lives of the service person and his/her family. Using what they have learned, students will understand the impact of the service person’s sacrifices on both the individual and his or her family. Students will create projects to honor and assist military personnel.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to recognize and show support for Navy officers and enlisted personnel at Patuxent Naval Air Station who recently returned from overseas duty by holding quarterly welcome home parties. The events are held in the atrium of Pax River’s Naval Air Systems Command headquarters. The students felt this was a worthwhile project through which they could demonstrate an appreciation for the individuals completing overseas assignments that lasted anywhere from six months to a year. Students created posters and patriotic gift bags to present to the returning sailors and attended and cheered at welcome home parties.
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Operation Student Santas was the idea of student Rayna Cato. When her father’s tour got extended in Iraq and he’d miss Christmas at home, she decided to send the holiday to him and his unit. She told her friends and quickly a group of 5th graders from Leonardtown Elementary School became Operation Student Santas.
Primary Subjects: Government
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Government
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: There is a need to get down the stories of veterans before it’s too late. We need to remember, appreciate, learn from, and reflect upon their experiences in the future. There are no more WWI veterans and WWII veterans are dying off at an alarming rate – 1,000 per day. Korean and Vietnam War veterans are aging as well. The veterans we interviewed were able to share their valuable experiences, which will now be documented for all-time and be available for researchers at the Library of Congress. Their families will be able to see the interview for generations to come on the internet at My students were able to personalize history, learn what personal sacrifice truly means, and be taught something of heroism and patriotism.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students will research conflicts involving American military. Students will research cultures of the regions and send care packages containing appropriate items and friendly letters to soldiers.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, English, Science
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, English, Science
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Our objective was to collect as much money as possible for the USO Care Package Program. Beginning with an assembly featuring the Ft. Meade's Army Color Guard presenting the Colors and performing a flag folding ceremony, GMS was taught about the USO. Mr. Tracy Steele, USO Volunteer Coordinator from BWI Gateway Airport, explained about the care package program and received our official "adoption" papers.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, English, Technology
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, English, Technology
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: The Urbana High School (UHS) Veterans Club is participating in the National Oral Histories Project. Through an Act of Congress the National Oral Histories program was created, very similar to the slave narratives project in the early 1900’s. Every day the nation loses 1,000 to 1,500 World War II (WWII) era veterans, and with them dies a very important part of American history. In response, Congress created a civic project to promote the recordation of these Americans’ stories before they are lost forever. The students at Urbana High School have made contact with veterans from the community and have recorded two interviews so far. The students edit the interviews and burn three copies – one for the veteran, one for the school, and one for the county to be cataloged in the Maryland Room and added to the Library of Congress database.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, English
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Students at Winters Mill High, as a part of their history classes and the history club, annually host a Veterans' Day Breakfast & Assembly honoring our local heroes. Last year, 45 veterans attended the ceremony. Many were in tears as a multimedia presentation played to the song "Proud to Be An American" and students recited the Pledge of Allegiance and "In Flanders Fields." Congressman Roscoe Bartlett is planning to attend the 2003 event and the school choir will perform several musical selections.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies
Level of Service: Direct
Project Description: Windsor Knolls Middle School (WKMS) Veterans Partnership Committee, in cooperation with the WKMS student government, 8th grade band, 6,7 and 8th grade chorus and life skills classes planned and implemented a program honoring veterans in observance of Veterans Day 2001.
Primary Subjects: Language Arts
Common Core: Language Arts
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Students learn about veterans and Veteran’s Day and explore ways they
can support veterans in their community, including writing friendly letters.
Supporting Victims of Abuse
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Indirect, Advocacy
Project Description: The Forever in Our Heart project empowers the group members to make a difference in their community. After the death of a friend as a result of domestic violence, these students were able to channel their grief in a positive way by supporting the Heartly House and raising awareness about domestic violence.
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Northwest Middle School (Carroll County) 7th graders organized a clothing drive for Baltimore City Foster Children. Activities included writing a business letter to local businesses requesting financial/clothing donations, taking notes during a presentation from Baltimore DSS, writing and performing commercials for in-house TV, making posters for placement throughout the school, creating a web page about the activity, reading a novel and a non-fiction article about foster children, managing the day-to-day collection and storage of clothing as it came in, sorting and packing over 6000 pieces of clothing by size, gender and season for presentation to Baltimore DSS, and loading the boxes and bags on to the truck for shipment.
Primary Subjects: English, Health, Character Education
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English, Health, Character Education
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Project Hope is an experiential counseling girls’ group and indirect service-learning project. Young women create beautiful hand-stamped greeting cards, while learning about dangerous dating relationships and the plight of homeless women and children as a result of violence in their relationships. The proceeds from the sale of the Project Hope cards are donated to the Dundalk Crisis Center.
Primary Subjects: Social Studies, Math, English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Social Studies, Math, English
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: Some high school students visited St. Martin's Barn to see what services they offer and what their needs were. Donations of food, blankets and pillows were in dire need. Students discovered that St. Martin's not only serves our community, but two neighboring counties as well. Unfortunately hunger and poverty are with us everyday. Helping the less fortunate is always a community need in our area.
Primary Subjects: English
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: English
Level of Service: Advocacy
Project Description: Students will learn about substance abuse and create a substance abuse prevention campaign for younger children and prom age teens.
Primary Subjects: Character Education, Math
Maryland Curriculum Indicators for: Character Education, Math
Level of Service: Indirect
Project Description: It was Christmastime and I was surrounded by a group of 10th and 11th grade students in my social studies class. We began discussing the needs in our community with regards to domestic violence and the impact it had on children. We decided to do a teddy bear drive to aid young children living in the Dove Center, a domestic abuse shelter. We also knew that the children are sometimes taken to the Garrett County Memorial Hospital for emergency room treatment. These children would benefit a great deal from the love of a teddy bear.