Letters of Findings - FY24 - 3rd Quarter

(January 1 - March 31, 2024)

Parts B & C

(Note: withdrawn complaints are not included)

Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-116 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Re-evaluation Timeline (completed w/i 3 yrs and/or 90 days), IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, Compensatory Services, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-164 Child’s Status During Proceedings - Part B, Disciplinary Procedures
24-181 Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)

Baltimore City Infants & Toddlers Program/Baltimore City Health Dept.

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-142 Evaluation/Assessment-Part C
24-154 Proper Written Notice - Part C, IFSP Development/Review, Transition from Part C to Part B - by 3rd birthday, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications
24-165 IFSP Services in the Natural Environment, IEP Implementation-OT, IFSP Development/Review, IFSP Content

Baltimore City Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-121 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), IEP Progress Report IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Disciplinary Procedures, IEP Progress Report, Placement Determination
24-133 IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Progress Report, Behavior Interventions (COMAR regulations/FBA/BIP/IEP Supports), Proper Written Notice - Part B
24-137 Behavior Interventions (COMAR regulations/FBA/BIP/IEP Supports), IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B, Disciplinary Procedures, Restraint and Seclusion (see LOF specifications), IEP Content
24-157 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Progress Report
24-180 Placement Determination

Baltimore County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-120 Restraint and Seclusion (see LOF specifications)
24-128 IEP Progress Report, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-131 IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-speech/language services, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-132 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Behavior Interventions (COMAR regulations/FBA/BIP/IEP Supports)
24-146 Proper Written Notice - Part B, Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Implementation-transportation, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Re-evaluation Timeline (completed w/i 3 yrs and/or 90 days), IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Proper Written Notice - Part B
24-160 IEP Content, IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-166 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications
24-170 Re-evaluation Timeline (completed w/i 3 yrs and/or 90 days)
24-172 IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests)
24-175 24-160 Baltimore County Public Schools IEP Content, IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-179 Independent Educational Evaluation Procedures, Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Behavior Interventions (COMAR regulations/FBA/BIP/IEP Supports), Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility
24-196 IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)

Calvert County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-176 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B, Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility

Cecil County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-169 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Proper Written Notice - Part B

Charles County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-129 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Content

Dorchester County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-177 Disciplinary Procedures, Home and Hospital Teaching, Proper Written Notice - Part B, Initial Evaluation Timeline (completed w/i 60 days of consent), Proper Written Notice – Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-178 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)

Harford County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-126 Restraint and Seclusion (see LOF specifications), IEP Implementation-transportation
24-159 Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility, IEP Implementation-speech/language services

Howard County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-117 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Placement Determination
24-136 Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Progress Report, Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests)

Maryland School for the Deaf

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-152 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Implementation-transportation

Montgomery County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-122 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility
24-130 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Home and Hospital Teaching, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Progress Report
24-134 Transition Services Determination - Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Content
24-147 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility
24-148 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-150 Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests)

Prince George's County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-119 Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests), IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-speech/language services, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction
24-123 IEP Implementation-speech/language services, IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-classroom Instruction
24-125 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Progress Report, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Implementation-speech/language services, IEP Progress Report, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Progress Report
24-127 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Determination of Eligibility, Transition Services Determination - Part B
24-135 Student Records (FERPA/Amendments/Requests)
24-138 Compensatory Services
24-139 Placement, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Proper Written Notice - Part B
24-143 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility
24-144 Placement Determination, IEP Progress Report
24-151 IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications
24-152 IEP Implementation-transportation, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants)
24-153 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Progress Report, Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-speech/language services
24-155 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B-Eligibility
24-161 Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Disciplinary Procedures, IEP Implementation-counseling, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications
24-167 Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-speech/language services, IEP Progress Report, Proper Written Notice - Part B, IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), Placement Determination
24-168 IEP Progress Report, Disciplinary Procedures, IEP Content, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction, IEP Implementation-OT, IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, Behavior Interventions (COMAR regulations/FBA/BIP/IEP Supports)
24-174 Compensatory Services, Identification/Evaluation/Reevaluation-Part B, Home and Hospital Teaching, IEP Implementation-counseling, IEP Implementation-speech/language services, ESY Determination
24-183 Compensatory Services
24-184 Compensatory Services

Washington County Public Schools

Complaint #Issues Subject to Investigation
24-171 IEP Development/Review/Revision Procedures (Timelines/Process/Participants), IEP Implementation-accommodations, supplementary aids and services, modifications, IEP Implementation-classroom instruction


Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-7770
Fax: (410) 333-0664