Adding an Endorsement / New Area of Licensure

How to Apply

To apply for an endorsement, please submit an online endorsement application through The Educator Application and Credentialing Hub (TEACH).

Teaching Areas

Additional teaching areas may be added to a professional license once the initial requirements for licensure in another teaching area are met:

Elementary or Early Childhood Endorsement

Present one of the following options:

Generic Special Education

Present one of the following options:

Secondary Area, Middle School Area, or Specialty PreK-12 Endorsement

Present one of the following options:

  • 1. Coursework

    • Submit 24 content credits, at least 12 of which are in the content area and 12 of which are related to the content

  • 2. Test

Please note that ESOL also requires the educators to demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and practices of scientific reading instruction, which include completing coursework or professional learning approved by MSDE, or an approved assessment, which include the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205), the former Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary Education (5203), or the Pearson Foundations of Reading assessment. Refer to the content test chart linked above.

Mathematics Instructional Leader Grades PreK-6

Mathematics Instructional Leader Grades 4-9

Instructional Leader: STEM Grades PreK-6

Severe and Profound Disabilities

Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Specialist Areas

In Maryland, each specialist area has individual qualifications. Please click on the area below to view the requirements for initial licensure.

Administrator/Supervisor Areas

In Maryland, each administrator and supervisor area has individual qualifications. Please click on the area below to view the requirements for initial licensure.