"Psychometrist" means an individual who works directly under the professional supervision of a school psychologist or supervisor of school psychological services. The purpose of this position is limited to providing assistance to the school psychologist by administering psychological tests and other related psychometric tasks.
(a) Tests and measurements*,
(b) Individual intelligence testing of children,
(c) Individual educational assessment of children, reading assessment, curriculum-based assessment,
(d) Assessment of personality (including social, emotional, and behavioral assessment of children),
(e) Practicum in psychological testing of children,
(f) Developmental psychology child and adolescent psychology,
(g) Statistics/research methods, research design,
(h) Personality theory*,
(i) Learning process/theory*,
(j) Abnormal psychology*, psychopathology*,
(k) Educational psychology*,
(l) Curriculum and instruction*,
(m) Intervention techniques, consultation, counseling,
(n) Social bases of behavior*, social psychology*, multicultural psychology*, and
(o) Physiological and neurological bases of behavior.