Pupil Personnel Worker

Please be prepared to submit documentation verifying that you have met all of the requirements below:

  1. A master's degree in pupil personnel or a related field, such as,

    • Counseling or guidance services, or both

    • Early childhood, elementary, or secondary education

    • Human growth and development

    • Sociology, social work, or psychology

    • Special education

    • Administration and supervision

  2. 21 semester hours of graduate credit or Maryland-approved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses selected from at least seven of the following eight areas:

    • School law (required)

    • Counseling methods

    • Early childhood or adolescent psychology, or both

    • Multicultural issues

    • Family systems/dynamics

    • Delivery of pupil personnel services and programs

    • Abnormal psychology or juvenile delinquency

    • Educational assessment interpretation

  3. Three years of satisfactory teaching or clinical experience

  4. Three semester hours of credit or Maryland-approved CPDs in special education coursework .