Due Process Hearing Decisions - FY25 - 1st Quarter

(July 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024)

In cases where MSDE has been informed that a hearing decision is being appealed in accordance with Section 615(i) of IDEA 2004, an asterisk (*) is placed next to the OAH Case #. The civil or district court number of the case is provided when available.

Baltimore City Public Schools

OAH Case #Decision DateHearing Requested ByIssues
24-H-CITY-05504 7/16/2024Parent/GuardianIEP Development/Review/Revision, Nonpublic Placement/Tuition Reimbursement
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded that the student was not denied FAPE during the IEP development process for the 2023-2024 school year and did not require specially designed instruction for lunch/recess and specials. However, the LEA’s January 31, 2024, IEP did not provide the student with a FAPE in LRE and did not provide sufficient support for the student in general education environment. Therefore, the parents’ placement at the nonpublic school was appropriate, and the parent is entitled to reimbursement for their unilateral placement for the period from Feb.1, 2024, through to the end of 2023-2024 school year.
24-H-CITY-08852 9/20/2024Parent/GuardianIEP Development/Review/Revision, IEP Implementation-Placement Reimbursement, IEP Implementation-speech/language services, Evaluation/Assessment-Part B
Decision Summary: The ALJ ordered that the LEA provide the student with one hundred hours of compensatory services to address the FAPE violations for the 2018-2019, 2020-2021 and 2021 -2022 SY. The LEA was also ordered to reimburse the parents for the 2023 - 2024 SY tuition in a parentally placed nonpublic school. The LEA was ordered to conduct formal assessments for the student, prepare an IEP for the student for the 2024-2025 SY and provide a copy to the parents.

Howard County Public Schools

OAH Case #Decision DateHearing Requested ByIssues
23-H-HOWD-31522 7/3/2024Parent/GuardianIEP Development/Review/Revision ESY Determination, Placement Determination
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded that HCPSS did not fail to provide ESY service for the 23-24 school year and did not deny the student FAPE. The IEP and placement recommended by the LEA were appropriate.
24-H-HOWD-05482 9/20/2024Parent/GuardianIEP Development/Review/Revision, Compensatory Services
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded the LEA provided the Student with an IEP which was reasonably calculated to provide the Student with a FAPE. In addition, the ALJ concluded the student was not entitled to any additional compensatory education beyond which was agreed upon by the parties.

Montgomery County Public Schools

OAH Case #Decision DateHearing Requested ByIssues
24-H-MONT-07799 8/2/2024Parent/GuardianIEP Development/Review/Revision, Nonpublic Placement/Tuition Reimbursement, Placement Determination
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded the December 2023 IEP did not provide the student with a FAPE in the least restrictive environment, and that the parental placement at the non-public school was appropriate. The parent was entitled to reimbursement for the cost of placement for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 SY. However, the ALJ concluded that placement for the fall semester of 2024-2025 SY and prospective placement at the non-public school was denied.

Prince George's County Public Schools

OAH Case #Decision DateHearing Requested ByIssues
24-H-PGEO-05465 7/3/2024Parent/GuardianESY Determination
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded that the LEA did not deny the Student a FAPE by failing to offer ESY services for the summer of 2024 and therefore denied the parent's request for a nonpublic placement.

Washington County Public Schools

OAH Case #Decision DateHearing Requested ByIssues
24-H-WASH-11232 7/8/2024Public AgencyIndependent Educational Evaluation Procedures
Decision Summary: The ALJ concluded that the functional behavioral assessment, occupational therapy evaluation, speech/language assessments, educational assessments, and psychological evaluation completed by the LEA were appropriate, and that the parent’s request for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) for the student at public expense were denied.


Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 767-7770
Fax: (410) 333-0664