Request for Public Comment

Grade 8 Social Studies Essential Elements and High School American Government Essential Elements

The MSDE is soliciting public comment on the proposed Essential Elements (EEs) for Grade 8 Social Studies and High School American Government for students participating in the Alternate Framework and taking the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessment. Students must participate in either the general assessment or the alternate assessment, which must be based on alternate academic achievement standards aligned with challenging State academic standards. The new EEs will be the alternate academic achievement standards for students participating in the Grade 8 Social Studies and the High School American Government DLM assessment.

Students participating in the DLM assessment and, as such, the Alternate Framework, are students identified as having the most significant cognitive disabilities. These students have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a “significant cognitive disability” that has a pervasive impact on intellectual, educational, and adaptive performance that is evident across time, setting, contexts, require significant modifications to curriculum in order to access knowledge and skills and demonstrate progress on the Maryland and College Career Ready Standards, and require extensive, direct, repeated, and individualized instruction to gain and retain essential skills. Student participation in the Alternate Framework is determined by the IEP team and is documented using the Appendix A form.

Please submit comments by close of business on December 22, 2024, via email to All comments received will be reviewed by MSDE and considered in the standard finalization process.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Dr. Paige Bradford, Section Chief, Specialized Instruction, Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services at