MSDE’s Restorative Approaches Collaborative

MSDE developed a Restorative Approaches Collaborative in spring, 2022. The collaborative consists of MSDE staff and LEA leadership who meet twice monthly. 

  • The goal of the collaborative is for MSDE to help LEAs design and implement restorative approaches in their schools in order to to build restorative educational communities in Maryland.
  •  By supporting, modeling, and guiding the development of this restorative paradigm, MSDE is supporting LEA leadership in order to foster meaningful connections within their schools and in learning communities where relationships are valued, everyone’s voice is heard, and everyone's story is understood. 
  • MSDE understands that the journey toward developing more restorative and relationship-focused schools is a process, and MSDE’s role is to assist LEAs throughout the process of integrating the restorative paradigm into their school communities. 


Brad Engel
School Climate Initiatives Specialist, Division of Student Support, Academic Enrichment, and Educational Policy
Office: (410) 767-0306