MSDE Guidance

MSDE has provided guidance and direction for LEAs as they create their vision for Restorative Approaches that values healthy relationships, developmental discipline, and respect for all members of the learning community. MSDE has provided steps for LEAs to develop this vision with students, staff, and families across the district including  disciplinary procedures that define accountability as healing harm rather than taking punishment. 

  • Through the work of MSDE’s Restorative Collaborative, many LEAs are creating environments that  reflect a restorative culture at all levels, demonstrated at each school and at the central offices with activities and language such as collaborative problem-solving, affective statements/questions, empathetic listening, and respect shown to all.
  • In these spaces both  students and staff have daily/weekly opportunities  to participate in talking circles, community building activities, or other proactive restorative practices that promote relationship-building and community. 
  • LEA  staff are to include restorative interventions in their disciplinary processes, using affective statements or questions, or asking restorative questions to promote personal reflection and accountability for conflict resolution.
  • When students are removed from the classroom or school due to a disciplinary infraction, MSDE has been working with LEAs to guide them towards developing a process that includes a reintegration plan that ensures the student is welcomed back and restored to the community.
  • LEAs are encouraged to  integrate a restorative approach within their bullying prevention efforts. Restorative approaches are essential in preventing bullying as it focuses on relationships and reconciliation This approach recognizes that bullying is not just an individual issue but also a community issue, and it requires collective responsibility to address it effectively.


Brad Engel
School Climate Initiatives Specialist, Division of Student Support, Academic Enrichment, and Educational Policy
Office: (410) 767-0306