Strategies to Improve CTE Access and Equity for Special Populations and Protected Groups

Maryland's brief on Strategies to Improve Access and Equity in Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides effective strategies to support school systems and community colleges in developing plans to address access and equity gaps in CTE uncovered through the Growth Opportunities Data Analysis in the Consolidated Perkins and Methods of Administration Monitoring Review Process and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment. Use this resource to identify high-impact strategies to address the root causes of identified gaps in student participation, progression, and performance in CTE to support creating equitable CTE experiences for all students. Links to state and national organizations are provided to support efforts to serve students in the community.

These strategies and resource links were compiled through a partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Career and College Readiness, and the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE). A comprehensive literature and resource review from state and national organizations was conducted to identify strategies to address the specific systemic barriers for each student group to increase their potential for success.

These strategies help support efforts to increase Diversity, Equality, Equity, and Inclusion which are promoted in the CTE Growth Opportunities Data Analysis Professional Learning Series.

Graphic representing equity and access in career and technical education, with 3 highlighted individuals among a group of 20 figures.


Richard Kincaid
Senior Director, Office of Career and College Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0426