The Office of Career and College Pathways is committed to supporting school systems, institutions of higher education, juvenile services, and adult corrections in achieving equitable outcomes for students. Each entity is held accountable for the implementation of equitable practices through the Consolidated Perkins and MOA monitoring process. Technical assistance is provided to help prevent, identify, and remedy unlawful discrimination to meet federal requirements established by Perkins and MOA. Perkins and MOA data is used to inform all content for statewide technical assistance.
The Maryland Consolidated Perkins and MOA Monitoring Program Technical Assistance Manual provides a comprehensive overview of the Consolidated Perkins and Methods of Administration (MOA) Monitoring Program and related monitoring reviews for recipients of federal education funds from school systems, community colleges, or state-operated programs that have Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study. The information outlined allows for greater understanding of the program process and preparation for virtual and on-site monitoring reviews.
Richard Kincaid
Assistant State Superintendent, Office of Career and College Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0426