
Equivalent Access for Students with Disabilities (Md. Code, Educ. § 7-910)

Md. Code Ann., Educ. § 7-910, requires that on or before October 1, 2023, and each October 1 thereafter, each Local Education Agency (LEA) shall submit a report to MSDE on the accessibility of the digital tools developed or purchased for use during the immediately preceding fiscal year.

LEAs are required to establish a process to evaluate digital tools being considered for development or purchase for conformity with the adopted standards. The evaluation process shall include an evaluation of the digital tool for equivalent access and nonvisual access by an employee or a contractor of the LEA. The 2023 Annual Report provides baseline data capturing the procurement of digital tools by LEAs.

§ 7-910 defines the following:

“Digital tool” as an online platform, an online course, information and communication technology services, including software and operating systems, that are directly connected to student instruction, digital content and/or other digital technologies not requiring sight in an equally effective and integrated manner.

“Equivalent access” means the ability to receive, use, and manipulate information and operate controls necessary to access and use information technology, including by nonvisual means, so that a student with disabilities can access the same services as a student without disabilities with substantially equivalent ease of use. “Equivalent access” includes Keyboard controls used for input and synthesized speech, Braille, and Other audible or tactile means used for output.

“Nonvisual access” means the ability to receive, use, and manipulate information and operate controls necessary to access information and communications technology through keyboard controls, synthesized speech, braille, or other methods not requiring sight.

The requirements for the accessibility of digital tools are established and maintained under COMAR 13A.06.05.


Resource 1

LEA FY24 Report Technical Assistance Session

Resource 2

§ 7-910 Equivalent Access Report for FY 24 Template

Resource 3

§ 7-910 FY24 Report Information Sessions FAQ

Resource 4

§ 7-910 – Notification and Request to Obtain a Digital Tool

Resource 5

Tentative § 7-910 Committee Schedule October 2024

Resource 6

Career and Technical Education (CTE) § 7-910 Guidance

Resource 7

MD Code, Education, § 7-910 Technical Assistance

LEA Reports

In accordance with Md. Code Ann., Educ. § 7-910, MSDE posts the reports submitted by LEAs regarding the accessibility of their digital tools. While MSDE facilitates the availability of these reports on its website, it does not endorse, validate, or guarantee the accuracy of the content within the reports, nor does it endorse any vendor mentioned therein. The reports reflect the findings of the respective LEAs which may vary based on the individual process developed to evaluate a digital tool being considered for development or purchase.


MSDE Accessibility