The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. When school is out, SFSP provides free meals in low-income areas to kids and teens 18 years and younger.
The Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs (OSCNP) at the Maryland State Department of Education provides leadership in administering five federal nutrition programs and state nutrition initiatives. OSCNP collaborates with community partners and stakeholders to maximize access for program participants to enhance their health and readiness to learn.
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Notice to Public: MSDE has been granted waivers related to excessive heat and physical safety for the 2024 SFSP program year.
About the Summer Food Service Program
How does it work?
The SFSP is a federally-funded, state-administered program that reimburses providers who serve free healthy meals to children and teens in low-income areas during the summer months when school is not in session. The program merges summer activity and enrichment programs with a federal meal reimbursement program.
What programs are available?
Summer meal sites operating the SUN Meals program provide meals and activities for children. The meals served must be consumed at this location.
Summer meal sites operating the SUN Meals To-Go program provide multi-day meal boxes that you pick up and bring home.
While this program operates during the summer, it’s not operated by the Office of School and Community Nutrition.
To learn about the SUN Bucks program and see if you qualify, visit the
Department of Human Services website.
How Can My Organization Become a SUN Meals Site?
To apply to participate as a SUN Meals site (which serves meals to the community under a sponsoring organization), contact the sponsoring organization for your county using the contact information listed below:
Allegany County | Allegany County Public Schools | Phone: 301-876-9202 |
Anne Arundel County | Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Phone: 410-222-5900 |
Baltimore City | Baltimore City Department of Housing |
Online application Phone: 410-396-0773 |
Baltimore County | Baltimore County Public Schools | Phone: 443-809-7856 |
Calvert County | Calvert County Public Schools | Phone: 443-550-8680 |
Caroline County | Caroline County Public Schools | Phone: 410-479-3261 x1223 |
Carroll County | Carroll County Public Schools | Phone: 410-751-3164 |
Cecil County | Cecil County Public Schools | Phone: 410-996-6257 |
Charles County | Charles County Public Schools | Phone: 301-392-5573 |
Dorchester County | Dorchester County Public Schools | Phone: 401-901-6930 |
Frederick County | Frederick County Public Schools | Phone: 240-586-8152
Garrett County | Garrett County Public Schools | Phone: 301-334-8900 |
Harford County | Harford County Public Schools | Phone: 410-638-4078 |
Howard County | Howard County Public Schools | Phone: 410-313-7134 |
Kent County | Kent County Public Schools | Phone: 410-778-7174 |
Montgomery County | Montgomery County Public Schools | Phone: 240-740-7400 |
Prince George’s County | Prince George’s County Public Schools | Phone: 301-952-6580 |
Queen Anne’s County | Queen Anne’s County Public Schools | Phone: 410-758-2403 (ext. 145) |
St. Mary’s County | St. Mary’s County Public Schools | Phone: 301-475-4256 (option 5) |
Somerset County | Somerset County Public Schools | Phone: 410-621-6265 |
Talbot County | Talbot County Public Schools | Phone: 410-822-0330 |
Washington County | Washington County Public Schools | Phone: 301-766-2890 |
Wicomico County | Wicomico County Public Schools | Phone: 410-677-4419 |
Worcester County | Worcester County Public Schools | Phone: 410-632-5027 |
Learn more about the SFSP
Changes to the SFSP reviews recent changes to this program, including an explanation of all federal food programs that are available during the summer.
SFSP Fact Sheets (English and Spanish) from USDA provides an overview of the program, eligibility details, nutrition requirements, and other information
USDA SFSP Meal Patterns outlines the age and grade-specific meal pattern and nutrient requirements
Summer Meals Toolkit from USDA gives state administrators, program operators, and community partners creative ideas and resources to make summer meal planning easy, raise awareness, overcome barriers and serve nutritious food that is appealing to children
Summer Food, Summer Moves Resource Kit from USDA is a fun, hands-on resource kit designed to get kids and families excited about healthy eating and physical activity during the summer months. The kit is designed for use by summer meal site operators and focuses on using music, games, art, and movement to motivate kids and families to choose more fruits and vegetables, choose water instead of sugary drinks, get enough physical activity every day, and to limit screen time