Request for Public Comment
Grade 8 Social Studies Essential Elements and High School American Government Essential Elements
The MSDE is soliciting public comment on the proposed Essential Elements (EEs) for Grade 8 Social Studies and High School American Government for students participating in the Alternate Framework and taking the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessment.
View the Details and Documents
Parent Information Series Guidebooks
MSDE is proud to partner with our families through the publication of our new Parent Information Series.
These booklets provide essential information for families of students with disabilities from ages 3 through 21 on important topics that increase collaboration between home and school in planning for their child's education.
View the booklets
Success for All Students in the General Education Classroom: A Guide for Inclusive Practices
Inclusive Practices Guide serves as a practical resource for classroom practitioners and school administrators. Its primary goal is to foster greater inclusion of students with disabilities in general education settings by equipping educators with specific differentiation strategies that can be applied across a wide range of subjects.
The guide is organized by academic content areas and special education support topics, allowing educators to easily select the information and strategies most relevant to their needs. This user-friendly format ensures that teachers can quickly access and implement effective practices to support diverse learners.