MSDE is proud to partner with our families through the publication of our new Parent Information Series. These booklets provide essential information for families of students with disabilities from ages 3 through 21 on important topics that increase collaboration between home and school in planning for their child's education.
We hope that families use these resources as tools to actively engage as equal participants in the special education processes for their children.
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New! A Companion Guide to the Alternate Education Framework
MSDE is pleased to offer the latest in our Parent Information Series, A Companion Guide to the Alternate Education Framework. This guide provides information for families to better understand IEP team decisions around participating in the alternate state assessments and alternate academic achievement standards for our students with significant cognitive disabilities. We hope that this information assists our families in ensuring they have what they need to fully participate as equal partners in the decision-making process.
Special Education Process - Guide 1
The first booklet in the series takes the parent from referral through evaluation and eligibility determination. This booklet provides tips for the parent to understand their role to actively participate at each meeting for each process.
Parental Rights - Guide 2
The second booklet in the series discusses some of the key elements in the Procedural Safeguards/Parental Rights Handbook that parents are given during annual review and other IEP team meetings. It explains their legal rights in clear terms and is a companion (not replacement) to the larger Brochure.
Understanding the IEP - Guide 3
This booklet takes parents through each section of the IEP and briefly explains what should be there and why. There are some legal requirements explained, as well as things the parent should expect from their IEP teams.
Secondary Transition - Guide 4
The final booklet in the series provides parents with information about secondary transition. It is fairly comprehensive and includes information about other agencies and services that students may engage with once they leave high school. It also provides parents and students with tips and steps that they can take to facilitate this important transition.