The Maryland Tutoring Corps

The Maryland Tutoring Corps grant program is a highly competitive Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) grant opportunity that will leverage remaining one-time American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Relief Funds (ESSER III) to make a substantial investment in launching and scaling high-quality, school day tutoring for secondary math that will mitigate long-term learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. MSDE will award up to $10,000,000 in grants to local education agencies (LEAs) or a group of LEAs who partner with institutions of higher education (IHEs), non-profit partners, or county/city governments to build the systems necessary to establish a permanent statewide tutoring corps inclusive of recruitment, training, and subsequent deployment of tutors to work directly with students who are not proficient in math. Grants include a 2-1 match component designed to increase the program’s investment from $10,000,000 to up to $30,000,000.

To that end, grants will be awarded for work that prioritizes secondary students not proficient in math, particularly middle school students in grades 6-8, Algebra students of any grade level, and historically underserved students such as African American students, economically disadvantaged students, English learners, and students with special needs.

Applicants must address and provide a description of how planned activities align with the goals of the Maryland Tutoring Corps program and the expected impact of the work on math proficiency for secondary students. To do so, applicants should include detailed baseline data and clear and feasible but ambitious success criteria associated with program goals that demonstrate tangible progress towards increasing math proficiency and narrowing and closing the achievement and opportunity gaps for students in math. Applicants must also ensure all goals and measurable success criteria are disaggregated by all student subgroups, particularly historically underserved groups to ensure that proposed plans address existing and persistent disparities in math proficiency. Additionally, applicants must commit to supporting the development and implementation of sustainable infrastructure to launch and scale high-quality, school day tutoring, including developing or modifying LEA policies, processes, and practices to support and sustain a tutoring corps in direct service of students. MSDE will partner with national leaders to provide selected applicants with technical assistance in program implementation.

Grant Program Guidance and Grant Program Application Information

Complete applications, including all appendices, should be submitted by the deadline via email to Use the button below to access grant program guidance and application information.

Customer Service Support Sessions

The Maryland State Department of Education seeks to support any potential applicant in submitting the strongest application possible. Strong program designs are essential to ensuring Maryland Works delivers upon the goals of the initiative. Customer service and support for Maryland Works consists of information sessions as well as individual appointments, upon request. The session dates are below.

Information Sessions

Prior to completing and submitting the application, it is required that applicants attend at least one information session. These sessions provide an overview of the Maryland Works grant program, requirements, and how to apply. To register for a session, click on the associated link. See the dates and times below:

Program Contact

Lyndsey Brightful
Director of Mathematics
Maryland State Department of Education

Grant Application Timeline

​Program Milestone

​June 22, 2023

​Maryland Tutoring Corps Grant Information Guide and application are released

July 6, 2023

​Information session

July 11, 2023

​Information session

​July 19, 2023

​Information session

September 6, 2023

​Application window closes

September, 2023

​The Review Committee evaluates applications

​On or before September 22, 2023

​MSDE announces grant awards

​September 2023 - September 2024
​Grant period
​January 17, 2024
Mid-term reporting due
​June 15, 2024
​Final Amendment Submission Deadline
​October 31, 2024
​Final reporting due