Nonpublic Special Education Section

Out-of-State Placement Process

After considering all Maryland nonpublic school options, a Local School System (LSS) may determine it necessary to consider an out-of-state residential school to meet the needs of an individual child. To apply for State nonpublic tuition assistance for a pending out-of-State placement the LSS must partner with the MSDE prior to implementing the placement.

The LSS reviews the instructional program and related services to determine the appropriateness of the program for the individual needs of the child. The LSS must verify that the out-of-state nonpublic school can implement an appropriate opportunity for the student to make progress towards the completion of a Maryland high school diploma or the Maryland High School Certificate of Program Completion (COMAR 13A.09.10.16). The MSDE provides the LSS with current information regarding the status of the provider or conducts a review of the out-of-state facility. The MSDE's review is to determine if the provider is approved by the State in which it is located, and if the provider substantially meets certain requirements established in Maryland (COMAR 13A.05.02.12). When approved for a State contribution, the MSDE works directly with the provider to approve the cost of the nonpublic program and issue a Maryland Annual Program Cost Sheet template.

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Sheila F. Philip, JD
Section Chief, Nonpublic Special Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services

Office: (410) 767-1425

Bambi Montanez
Office Secretary, Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services

Office: (410) 767-0261
Fax: (410) 333-8165