Cost Approval: Budgets and Cost Sheets
Nonpublic Special Education School Budget Scope and Purpose
Education Article § 8-406 (d), Annotated Code of Maryland, states that payment or reimbursement for a nonpublic program may not be provided if the payment or reimbursement would require an additional contribution from the State. Under §8-415 of this subtitle the Department approves the cost of the program.
The Nonpublic Special Education School Budget Packet outlines the established procedure utilized by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to approve the cost of nonpublic programs. The Nonpublic Special Education School Budget is submitted annually by each nonpublic school to the MSDE. The purpose of the budget is to fund the reasonable expenses necessary to ensure a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students placed by each local school systems (LSS) or public agency. The MSDE's budget guidelines and instructions outline allowable operating expenses and other parameters for cost approval.
Each budget, once approved, is the documentation that supports the approved program cost, which is functionalized by the per diem rate and related services rate(s) set by the MSDE. The nonpublic school's budget must include adequate supports for the school to:
- Comply with COMAR 13A.09.10 (Educational Programs in Nonpublic Schools and Child Care and Treatment Facilities); and
- Provide adequate resources for the operation of the facility and administration necessary for the school/program which serves students placed at public expense.
Annual Program Cost Sheet
MSDE Nonpublic Special Education School Budget Packet
Cost Approval for Individual Placements and Out-of-State Residential Providers
Sheila F. Philip, JD
Section Chief, Nonpublic Special Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Office: (410) 767-1425
Glenn Grayman
Education Program Specialist, Nonpublic Special Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Office: (410) 767-0243