Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Branch

Comprehensive skills-based health education and meaningful physical education programs play an integral role in fostering a healthier, happier, and more inclusive society. MSDE’s Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Branch provides guidance and technical assistance to Maryland’s 24 local education agencies as they work together to develop and deliver instructional programs and services that provide all students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to:

  • maintain healthy behaviors;

  • develop health-enhancing behaviors;

  • delay the use of or experimentation of risky behaviors;

  • develop health literacy; and

  • develop physical literacy.


Jason Semanoff
Director of Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Office of Instructional Programs and Services

Office: (410) 767-0327

Luke Hollis
Coordinator of Standards-Based Physical Education
Office of Instructional Programs and Services

Office: (410) 767-0352

Suzannah Ward
Coordinator of Comprehensive Health Education
Office of Instructional Programs and Services

Office: (410) 767-0527

Stacey McPherson
Operations Coordinator
Office of Instructional Programs and Services

Office: (410) 767-0308