The Advanced Academics and Gifted and Talented Programs Branch works within the Offices of Teaching and Learning Instructional Programs and Services to ensure that students have opportunities to enrich and expand their academic experience through coursework, pathways, and programs including, course acceleration, differentiated instruction, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, and partnerships with community colleges and local businesses.
We provide best-in-class, evidence-based programs, services, and support to all Maryland Local Education Agencies (LEA), students, educators, and families related to the implementation of Blueprint guidelines and COMAR policies. We are committed to equitable identification, growth, development, and achievement of every gifted child, supporting their academic and affective development, and preparing them to be innovative, empathetic members of a global community who lead fulfilling and productive lives.
We will ensure a rigorous and world-class educational experience for every Maryland student, in every neighborhood, that prepares each to be college and career-ready, through:
We will be a system of world-class schools where students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success in college, career, and life.
We recognize that gifted and talented students exist in every demographic without exception to race, economic status, disability, linguistic, or cultural background, and are committed to ensuring equitable identification, access to quality programs and providing equitable resources and support.
The Blueprint for Maryland's Future requires that all high school students enroll in a diploma pathway. The College Preparatory Pathway is for academically competitive students who wish to enroll in top universities or study abroad. There are four possible diploma options on the College Preparatory Diploma Pathway.
Frequently Asked Questions
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View the FAQS
Anthony Vargas
Director, Office of Teaching & Learning Instructional Programs & Services
Office: (410) 767-0182
Kysha Egungbemi
Coordinator, Office of Teaching and Learning Instructional Programs and Services
Office: (410) 767-0322