College and Career Readiness Guidebooks

The Maryland State Department of Education's College and Career Readiness (CCR) guidebooks are essential tools designed to support educators, administrators, students, and families in preparing Maryland students for meeting CCR readiness standards and postsecondary success.

Building college and career readiness is a collaborative effort that requires the involvement of all members of the educational community. These guidebooks provide best instructional practices for all learners, tailored by grade level and content area, to ensure consistent and effective preparation for academic and career success.

Each guidebook provides CCR-specific strategies focusing on the following areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Social Studies
  • Science  
  • Digital Learning and School Library Media 
  • Advanced Academics 
  • Language Development Supports 
  • Individualized Learning Supports 
  • Strategies for Systems and School District Leadership

Prekindergarten - Grade 5

The PreK-5 guidebook, Proactive Strategies for Building College and Career Readiness in Prekindergarten to Grade 5, offers a comprehensive toolkit for laying the foundation of college and career readiness from an early age. It emphasizes the importance of integrating CCR concepts into the core curriculum through engaging, age-appropriate activities that develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and early career identities.

Grades 6-8

The 6-8 guidebook, Proactive Strategies for Building College and Career Readiness in Grades 6 to 8, deepens students’ academic and career exploration during the critical middle school years. It highlights strategies to integrate CCR principles into core curriculum, fostering a sense of purpose and connection between classroom learning and future career pathways.

Grades 9-10

The 9-10 guidebook, Proactive Strategies for Building College and Career Readiness in Grades 9 to 10, is designed to help educators and school leaders reinforce and expand upon the foundational CCR skills built in earlier grades. This guidebook provides strategic methods to integrate advanced academic concepts with career-connected learning, focusing on both academic rigor and practical career insights as students prepare for higher-level courses, postsecondary options, and informed career choices.

Grades 11-12

Systems for Success: College and Career Readiness in 11th and 12th Grade, provides a strategic framework to support students as they transition from high school to postsecondary education or the workforce. Designed to address the varying levels of college and career readiness, this guidebook offers tailored approaches to ensure all students, whether already CCR-ready or still developing key skills, are equipped for life beyond high school. It emphasizes targeted interventions, instructional best practices, and career-connected experiences to help students prepare for a successful path after graduation.


Richard Kincaid
Assistant State Superintendent, Office of Career and College Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0426