The Maryland State Department of Education’s (MSDE) Accountability & Improvement system is composed of a variety of assessments, data, and the reporting procedures associated with student enrollment, performance, and equity in CTE.
Moreover, it serves to provide all stakeholders with important information on the access, performance, and progress of CTE programs of study in the state of Maryland.
Perkins V
Perkins V represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value.
Maryland CTE Four-Year State Plan
Perkins V requires each state to develop a four-year plan for CTE. The Office of College and Career Pathways collaborated with stakeholder groups to revise the vision for CTE and develop the Maryland CTE Four-Year State Plan. The vision for CTE in Maryland is for each student to have access and opportunity to engage in career programs of study that:
- align to high-skill, high-wage and/or in-demand careers;
- lead to earning industry-recognized and/or postsecondary credentials that will allow entrance and/or advancement in a specific career cluster; and
- provide career-based learning experiences that require the application of academic and technical knowledge and skills in a work setting.
Maryland CTE Four-Year State Plan will guide the strategic direction for CTE in Maryland for the next four years. Maryland's four-year plan was approved by the US Department of Education in April 2020.
Funding to support CTE programs of study will be provided to local school systems, community colleges, Juvenile Services Education System, Adult Correctional Education System, and other affiliates in alignment with state plan priorities and federal law requirements.
Important Note
The 2024 State Plan was released in Winter 2024.
Stay tuned for stakeholder engagement and community feedback event information.
CTE Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
To qualify for Perkins funding, all local school systems must complete a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) to evaluate their capacity to offer high-quality career and technical education (CTE) programming and identify areas for improvement. Results from the CLNA will be incorporated into each grantee’s Local Application, which outlines how they plan to use federal funds to improve CTE instruction and student access to quality programs. Approved applications will receive Perkins funding.
A Systemic Review Guidebook for Secondary Schools Version 3.0 (PDF)
A Systemic Review Guidebook for Secondary Schools Version 3.0 (Word)
A Systemic Review Guidebook for Postsecondary Schools Version 3.0 (PDF)
A Systemic Review Guidebook for Postsecondary Schools Version 3.0 (Word)
Local Application
To qualify for Perkins funding, all local school systems must complete a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) to evaluate their capacity to offer high-quality career and technical education (CTE) programming and identify areas for improvement. Results from the CLNA will be incorporated into each grantee’s Local Application, which outlines how they plan to use federal funds to improve CTE instruction and student access to quality programs. Approved applications will receive Perkins funding.
State Determined Performance Levels (SDPLs)
MSDE must develop levels of performance on required core indicators for secondary and postsecondary programs receiving Carl D. Perkins funds, in coordination with a diverse group of stakeholders. Further, these performance levels must be presented to our stakeholders for a 60-day public comment period that provides stakeholders with the opportunity to provide written comments to MSDE regarding how the levels of performance meet the requirements of the law; support the improvement of performance of all CTE concentrators, including subgroups of students and special populations; and support the needs of the local education and business community.
Richard Kincaid
Assistant State Superintendent, Office of Career and College Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0426