Career and Technical Education (CTE) Perkins Reserve Grant FY 2025


The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Perkins Reserve Grant is a Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) competitive grant program that will leverage the Carl D. Perkins Reserve fund to make substantial investments in evaluating and updating local CTE programs to reimagine the current vision and direction of Maryland’s Career and Technical Education system. The new and exciting vision for CTE in Maryland is grounded in ensuring that each student has access and opportunity to engage in career pathways that align to high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand careers; that each pathway will lead to earning industry-recognized and/or postsecondary credentials which allow for entrance or advancement in a career field; and will provide work-based learning experiences that require the application of academic and technical knowledge and skills in a work setting. The Maryland Career and Technical Education Four-Year State Plan was intentionally to align with the goals of The Blueprint.

The purpose of the CTE Perkins Reserve Grant is to provide seed resources to Perkins formula-funded LEAs and Community Colleges to drive system and program evaluation, to establish accountability alignment between Perkins V and the Blueprint, and to develop and scale at least one high-leverage CTE strategy that will, in turn, establish sustainable systems, processes, and policies that will outlast the performance period of this grant program.

When will the application be open?

This Grant Information Guide (GIG) was released on June 13, 2024.

Application Submission Date

Monday, July 29, 2024. No later than 5:00 pm EST.

Funding Amount Available

There is approximately $884,600 available.

Estimated Number of Grants

Eight (8)

Customer Service Support Sessions

MSDE will hold three customer service support sessions for interested applicants. During these sessions, MSDE personnel will provide an overview of the application process. The sessions will be on:

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Video Call Link

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Video Call Link

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Video Call Link


If you have questions about the application or the process, please contact the Program Manager:

Richard Kincaid
Senior Executive Director
Office of College and Career Pathways

Office: (410) 767-0426

Tiffany DeJesus
Director of Operations, Accountability and Strategy
Office of College and Career Pathways

Office: (410) 767-0518


Grant Information Guide (PDF)

Application for Participation (PDF)

Application for Participation (Word)

FY 2025 Reserve Grants Customer Support Session (PDF)