Office of College and Career Pathways

Office of College and Career Pathways

The Office of College and Career Pathways provides leadership, support, and technical assistance to local education agencies and community colleges in the implementation of high-quality career and technical education (CTE) programs of study to prepare Maryland’s current and future workforce. 

The division also leads K-12 education in financial literacy, computer science, and STEM and is responsible for early college enrollment programs such as Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) School.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides secondary and postsecondary students an opportunity to pursue a sequential technical and academic program of study leading to advancement in a career field. Secondary CTE programs of study, which can start in 8th grade and culminate in high school, give students the opportunity to earn college credit and/or industry credentials in a career field of interest. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) works closely with the Governor’s Workforce Development Board to identify new programs in response to Maryland’s workforce and economic development needs and to ensure all CTE programs keep pace with industry expectations to prepare students for both college and careers.

CTE programs are designed to support students in making decisions about education and career options. Preparing for CTE begins in elementary school with career awareness learning experiences. In middle school, students participate in career exploration learning experiences such as workplace tours, job-shadows, and interest inventories. Students are required to develop an academic and career plan prior to entering high school. Plans must be updated annual. With over 60 CTE programs statewide, students can find the career pathway that will prepare them for future success.

The Office of College and Career Pathways is responsible for: 

Picture_of_a_Yellow_Arrow Career and Technical Education

Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Edcation CTE Accountability and Improvement: Measuring EffectivenessApprenticeships: Earning and LearningPathways in Technology Early College High School: Getting a Head Start on CollegeCareer and Technical Student Organizations: Preparing Future Leaders CTE: Empowering The Future WorkforceCTE_Teacher_Certification Work-based_Learning

Visit the following websites to get more information about CTE in Maryland:

A yellow arrow point to a link to the K-12 instructional areas that the Division of Career and College Readiness oversees  K12_InstructionalAreas
Computer Science: Studying Computers and Algorithmic Processes TechnologyEducation STEM: Education: Integrating Science, Technology, Engineeering, & Mathematics Financial Literacy: Managing Personal Finances 


Richard Kincaid
Senior Executive Director, Office of College and Career Pathways
Office: (410) 767-0426

Megan V. Cameron
Finance Associate, Office of College and Career Pathways
Office: (410) 767-6581