This page contains links to the grant documents for the IDEA Part B Local Application for Federal Funds (LAFF) and the Consolidated Local Implementation Grant (CLIG).
The IDEA Part B Local Application for Federal Funds (LAFF) requires that each Maryland local education agency (LEA) and public agency (PA) receiving federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds develop and submit an application for the expenditure of federal funds in support of special education to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for children and students with disabilities.
The Maryland Infants & Toddlers Program (MITP) Consolidated Local Implementation Grant (CLIG) is designated as the mechanism through which local jurisdictions receive various federal and State funds to implement local early intervention programs in compliance with federal and State regulations, policies, and procedures. The designated Local Lead Agency (LLA) of each Local Infants & Toddlers Program (LITP) aggregates information from LITP partner agencies to complete the grant application and other required submissions throughout the CLIG grant period.
All LEA/PA IDEA Part B (LAFF) and CLIG applications, budgets, and post-application submissions must comply with applicable programmatic and fiscal regulations.
All submissions must be uploaded to the
MSDE Secure File Transfer site (MOVEit). Please follow the submission requirements in the
MSDE MOVEit Secure File Transfer Website Access and Submission Procedures. Uploaded files that do not follow this procedure will not be considered timely filed.
Daniele Redivo
Management Associate, Resource Management and Monitoring
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Office: (410) 767 - 0261
Fax: (410) 333-8165
Gary W. Richardson, MBA
Branch Chief, Resource Management and Monitoring
Office: (410) 767-0706
Fax: (410) 333-8165